OWEL Projects

If you found interested in any of our current projects, please please contact us through [])

Shelter dog Management and Welfare

We are currently looking for grad-students-to-be who are passionate about shelter animal welfare and management to work on this project with us! The project will involve welfare quantification of shelter dog and modelling for optimising the number of dogs in shelters.

Companion Animal Epidmeiology and Welfare

We are currently looking for a grad-student-to-be to work on the building a passive survaillence system for diseases and welfare of companion animals!

Exotic Pet Welfare

With the popularity of exotic pets in Taiwan, the welfare concerns of those animals become more and more obvious. We have embarked to understand the welfare situations of mammal exotic pets in Taiwan and will continute to do so for other exotic animals.

Veterinary Ethics

Currently, veterinary ethics is greatly overlooked in Taiwan and many places in the world. We wish to start the conversation on veterinary ethics in Asia to promote the mental and physical health of veterinarians, companion animals and their owners.

Current Funded Projects

  1. Optimising the Management of Animal Population and Welfare in Public Animal Shelters (OMAPWAS)
    National Science and Technology Council, NT$2,760,000, 01/08/2023–31/07/2025
    Principal investigator
  2. General welfare state of exotic companion small mammals and the prioritized welfare issues according to Taiwanese exotic pet veterinarians.
    College of Veterinary Medicine, National Chung Hsing University, NT$100,000, 01/07/2023–30/06/2024
    Principal investigator
  3. 「台北市鼠、兔、鳥之飼養查核標準」研析計畫
    Taipei City Animal Protection Office, NT$150,000, 01/02/2023–31/09/2023
    Co-principal investigator
  4. StrayLOHAS: Stray Animals Reduction and Fulfilment of Welfare Project
    Ministry of Education, NT$20,900,000, 01/01/2023–31/12/2024
    Sub-principal investigator
  5. Development of the Companion Animal Bereavement Scale (CABS) and the investigation of risk factors for high CABS scores
    National Chung Hsing University, NT$300,000, 10/01/2022–09/31/2024
    Principal investigator